Thank you for coming along on my journey of daily prayer ponderings through this series of Devotional Art. In the writing, art, sketches and doodles, I hope that you will be inspired to connect to the heart of God in creative ways. As I share my personal journey, I pray that yours will be inspired and strengthened as well. Blessings - Pattie Ann Hale
Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself... a place near your altar, LORD Almighty, my King and my God. ~ Psalm 84:3
Home... what a word.
It brings the soft place inside where life is good and yet also home brings with it all the normalcy of a life not always perfect. The good and the bad... the blend... the mixture. Oh how our hearts long for it even still. The comfort of the familiar and the excitement of what season will come next overtakes me... I’m listening for Your Heart, God, to sing. Sing me into home.
I love your sanctuary. I love Your Heart oh Lover of my soul. How is it that the God of Heaven sees my longing for home? Oh yes...... the sparrows... you even care for everyone of them.
I remember when we were working on the old farmhouse, gutting it out... tearing out structures... hoping for beauty... a beauty that at times I could only imagine because the mess of all the construction - reconstruction - re-structure... was overwhelming. It was difficult. The day I pulled the old boards off the wall and found behind there that little bird skeleton... inside the wall of the attic. It had gotten trapped there? Why could it not escape? I thought of how You say in Your Word that you care even for flowers of the field and the birds of the air... that they did not have to toil or spin. Oh how I was toiling and spinning... every area of my life.... struggling... grasping... clenching for You. I was like the bird... trying to make a home for myself... just trying to find a safe place. Have I found it yet? Have I learned to rest?
I am not trapped. I’m flying into freedom more and more. I’m sailing with Your Wind.
Your eternal song fills up my spirit... there I am home. I sing My Song and there I am home.
I remember when you posted photos of the remodeled farmhouse - I was so blown away by how HOMEY it was ! You have a gift of hospitality, even when people are not in your physical presence, if that makes sense... you know how to enter the Lord's sanctuary in the Kingdom and bring that to earth. every environment you enter becomes warm and inviting, and has that sense of freedom... Yes, my friend you are indeed flying into freedom!
Your words are life to me. You don't even know how much what you have said touches the place of remembrance I was writing into and out of... Thank you. I am thankful to have you as a friend. Much love to you. :)
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